Night out with besties,and we caught the movie "Eragon" at Vivo.I must say i'm disappointed with it and so would any other person who has read the book,so for people out there who have read the book and have yet to catch the show,do yourself a favour and give it a miss.
Went off to with yanisa to look for her daryl to play lan,something me and ben have not done for ages.Well it was enjoyable i guess,if you factor out the "getting thrashed" or in gamers' language "getting owned" part.
The shop was at Orchard plaza if i'm not wrong,and if you thought that after midnight there'd be no life there,you're wrong.The first sight that greeted me as i walked in to look for a toilet was a middle aged man,with one hand flicking his ciggarette ash onto the floor nonchalantly,and the other,cuddling a woman.Pretty soon the numbers grew,and amounted into groups.And so i soon realised,if i weren't wrong,these women and men probably met for one night,and there's a cheap hotel upstairs.So you get the picture,yea?
Somehow walking in that area just doesn't feel right,it kinda feels like you're at the wrong place at the wrong time.The setting,is a dark place,people getting drunk,and men "ushering" women to a hotel room.And as you leave that whole building a cigarette stench clings tightly onto your shirt.
Thank god for the Night Rider service,which doesn't exactly come cheap as well.3 dollars for some lousy seat and an air-con system that can't even match up to my grandparents' fan.Well can't complain if your poor and can ill-afford to pay the exorbitant King's-ransom that cabs demand.
Walking home at night seems weird too,the air is still,an there's an eerie silence.Not a whisper can be heard,and your soft thuds of walking are elevated ten-folds,as if it can be heard throughout the whole neighbourhood.
Somehow night-life ain't that good,it doesn't come cheap and i've finally realised what my parents' nagging was about.Besides,waking up with this lethargic feeling in the morning isn't appealing at all.Nevertheless a good night out spent,glad to have the company of friends,and widen my sights of the world a little more.
Laughters of the day..
Crystal: I'm gonna give birth to hai song's wife...
Us: ....isn't it supposed to be deliver?
Crystal: .. oh
Crystal: I went to volunteer at the old "forks" home..
Us: .. ... *bursts out laughing*
And we still can't get her to tell us a joke properly,cause she'd always laugh at her own joke even before finishing..
"One day.. hahahaha....haha...there was...hahaha....."
Labels: Night out
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